Next Steps


One of the most powerful and modern platforms for advertising is social media. Social media provides churches with a quick, accessible, and free way to interact with the world around them. During my research involving the case studies, I noticed that none of the campaigns utilized these platforms to their full potential.

Starting with social media ensured that no matter what a church’s marketing budget consists of, there would be a usable component. It also provided a great foundation for the development of the other components. I would be able to reuse the assets I created for social media in the rest of the campaign.

I would design several graphics to be used as posts and then accompanying graphics to be used as stories. To supplement the social media components, additional campaign assets would target the congregation and require church attendance.

“The campaign needed to be designed in a way that provides entry level skill-based customization.”

— Landon Benson

Team Hub Assets

What good is a new tool if you do not know how to use it?


I have included several orientation and instructional documents. These documents serve as cheat sheets to the implementation process.

Instructional Documents

The culminating research resulted in a useful tool for churches in need. Theoretically, they now have a substantial resource to address the need for talented visual communicators despite a potential lack in resources. The idea is a little unorthodox, but maybe has the power to propel a ministry to their next season of growth.


The Unorthodox Campaign was designed as a free resource for churches. If you think you could put it to use, the assets are downloadable from the button below.