A Recruitment Campaign


One of the key indicators of volunteer enrollment was found to be the proposal. Highlighting and communicating the need in an effective and inspiring way appeared to be a meaningful starting place. However, this concept comes with its inherent issues.

If the end goal is to provide a meaningful resource for churches, a singular campaign is not scalable for the church at large. A campaign designed specifically for one organization lacks ambition and falls short of being truly impactful for the Kingdom of Heaven.

To address this glaring issue, I worked with the concept of a template campaign. This campaign will bend to the local needs of the implementing organization and provide certain elements of customization. 

“A campaign designed specifically for one organization lacks ambition.”

Landon Benson

Defining Scope

I divided the deliverables into three categories. The first consisted of the digital assets, the second, the printable assets, and the third, the implementation instructions.


Digital Assets

Starting with social media ensured that no matter what a church’s marketing budget consists of, there would be a usable component. It also provided a great foundation for the development of the other components.

Print Assets

The first component of the printed assets will feature several poster designs. The posters will fall into two categories. The first category will target church attendees and contain information pertaining to that demographic. The second will target the church’s surrounding community. The posters will pull color and excitement into church buildings and a voice into spaces outside its walls. The second printed asset will be a 5x7 church service bulletin insert card. 

Implementation Assets

The final component of the package will consist of the campaign instructions. These instructions are critical for the successful implementation of the campaign and will provide a clean and easy way to understand the process for how to access and use the campaign assets. It will also provide guidance for exporting, printing, and scheduling.

Campaign Filters


In the case studies, I noticed that I favored campaigns with clever language and creative copy. This element seemed to rest at the center of the success of each. The art direction relied heavily on this component, and I felt it was a decent place to start the development of the template campaign. The first stage of development resulted in a language brainstorm. I started this brainstorm by developing values for the project. These values would act as a pre-flight checklist for the campaign and hopefully serve as filters to provide a measure of consistency across all facets of the campaign. 

Every stylistic choice, written word, color, or texture would need to stand up to the test of these filters:

1. Genuine

2. Authentic

3. Sincere

4. Simple

5. Clever

6. Bold

7. Passionate

8. Understandable

9. Relatable

10. Effective


  • Digital Assets

  • Print Assets

  • Next Step Assets