

One of the most powerful and modern platforms for advertising is social media. Social media provides churches with a quick, accessible, and free way to interact with the world around them. During my research involving the case studies, I noticed that none of the campaigns utilized these platforms to their full potential.

Starting with social media ensured that no matter what a church’s marketing budget consists of, there would be a usable component. It also provided a great foundation for the development of the other components. I would be able to reuse the assets I created for social media in the rest of the campaign.

I would design several graphics to be used as posts and then accompanying graphics to be used as stories. To supplement the social media components, additional campaign assets would target the congregation and require church attendance.

“The campaign needed to be designed in a way that provides entry level skill-based customization.”

— Landon Benson

Social Media Content

These additional assets consisted of pre-service slides and email headers. 


If members are inactive on social media, or fail to retrieve a bulletin, having an additional touchpoint could make or break the recruitment effort.

Additional Digital Content

Print Assets

The digital assets may be enough for some implementors, but others may want to take the next step and invest in some of the printed assets.